Yutaka Hosotani
Particle Physics Theory, Hosotani Group
Room H719, Graduate School of Science (Toyonaka Campus map )
1-1 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043
Research Interests:

  The Higgs boson, the only particle missing in the standard model, is awaited to be discovered at LHC for establishing the unification scenario of electroweak interactions. There may be supersymmetry and extra-dimensional space behind them. The ultimate unification of all interactions including gravity is achieved in superstring theory.

  I discovered the Hosotani mechanism in 1983 which led to the gauge-Higgs unification. There the Higgs boson is unified with gauge fields in higher dimensions, in which Higgs bosons become absolutely stable and constitute the dark matter in the universe.

Selected Publications:

Stable Higgs bosons as cold dark matter, Y. Hosotani, P. Ko, and M. Tanaka, Phys. Lett.B680: 179-183 (2009).

Anomalous Higgs couplings in the SO(5) x U(1) gauge-Higgs unification in warped spacetime, Y. Hosotani and Y. Sakamura, Prog. Theor. Phys. 118: 935-968 (2007).

Monopoles, dyons and black holes in the four-dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, J. Bjoraker, and Y. Hosotani, Phys. Rev.D62: 043513 (2000).

Dynamics of nonintegrable phases and gauge symmetry breaking, Y. Hosotani, Annals Phys. 190: 233 (1989).

Dynamical mass generation by compact extra dimensions, Y. Hosotani, Phys. Lett.B126: 309 (1983).


Ph.D. in Physics, University of Tokyo, 1979.

Professor, University of Minnesota, 1990 – 2000.

Professor, Osaka University, 2000 – present.


Awarded Nishina Memorial Prize, 2007.

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